Proton Motor Fuel Cell selected for EU Commission’s Innovation Fund: “PM Hy-Factory” project innovation submitted

The European Commission has selected 85 innovative net-zero projects on 23 October 2024 to be supported with EUR 4.8 billion in grants from the EU Innovation Fund. The Fund is the main tool to support European industry in the transition to climate neutrality and the implementation of the “Green Deal”. It ensures that the most promising projects in terms of emission reductions and scalability are realised to bring state-of-the-art clean technologies to the service of decarbonisation and climate protection. The German high-tech company Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH has taken from the published EU press release that a planned project by the hydrogen fuel cell producer has also been selected for a grant from the Innovation Fund.

“PM Hy-Factory” for automated series production of fuel cell stacks and systems

In April 2024, Proton Motor Fuel Cell submitted a funding application to the EU Commission for the “Smart Factory” project innovation – titled “PM Hy-Factory” – which includes automated series production of Proton Motor’s zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell stacks and systems for stationary and mobile applications. As now officially noted by the EU Commission, the CLEANTECH key player will be invited for a preparatory award procedure in the first quarter of 2025. The aim is to sign a grant agreement for the Innovation Fund with the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).

Due to current discussions with other potential sources of funding, Proton Motor must clarify its further eligibility for funding in relation to the Innovation Fund grant. Accordingly, there can be no certainty that Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH will receive an Innovation Fund Grant, nor as to the timings, terms or quantum of any such grant award.

Caption: Various images of the Proton Motor Hy-Factory located in the Munich metropolitan region._(c) AVENTOS_Markus Bachmann