For 25 years, the innovative high-tech manufacturer Proton Motor Fuel Cell from the Munich metropolitan region has been working to combat climate change through independent, sustainable energy solutions „Made in Germany“ for decarbonisation on the European continent and in England. Bavarian-British trade relations after Brexit were currently on the agenda at an informal exchange meeting with the Bavarian State Minister for European Affairs and International Affairs, Mr. Eric Beisswenger (see picture below_(c) Bavarian State Chancellery_Press).

At the high-calibre meeting with various companies from the Free State of Bavaria that are active across sectors, the focus was on the future of economic co-operation between Bavaria and Great Britain. Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH was invited as an expert for the hydrogen market segment and illustrated the importance of hydrogen fuel cells in the stationary sector through Mr. Christoph Pauli (Governmental Affairs).
Royals visited Proton Motor power plant in Orkney’s | Sainsbury’s truck runs on Proton Motor’s HyRange® system
The fuel cell specialist, which was founded in 1998, has a long-standing relationship with England. Back in 2017, Proton Motor Fuel Cell completed an emission-free hydrogen fuel cell container power plant “HyShelter®” for the city of Kirkwall on the Orkney Islands, which provides up to 75 kW of electrical and thermal clean energy for ships and port buildings. The heir to the English throne couple learned about the Proton Motor application when they visited the “European Marine Energy Centre” (EMEC) in Orkney’s in the spring of 2021. Three years ago, a “Memorandum of Understanding” was signed with the British company “Electra Commercial Vehicles Limited” for the joint development of the zero-emission fuel cell truck market in the UK and Ireland. As a leading manufacturer of electric trucks, Electra carried out an initial vehicle test for the “Tees Valley” pilot project in 2022.
Teaser caption: The Royal Highnesses, Princess Catherine and Prince William, have been photographed in front of Proton Motor`s containerised HyShelter® fuel cell power plant in Orkney`s in 2021._(c) Courtesy of EMEC_Colin Keldie