Proton Motor Fuel Cell has now been invited to the event “Hydrogen Enterprises in Dialogue” with the German ministries “Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development” (BMZ) and “Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action” (BMWK). This was a perfect platform for exchange between policy makers and industry stakeholders. The presentations provided important impetus and sent a signal that the national and European hydrogen ramp-up can only succeed in close collaboration between industry and politics.
Decarbonisation objectives for the energy transition
Proton Motor also recently participated in a “Hydrogen Round-Table” in London to discuss the possibilities of the energy transition. Bringing together leading producers, innovators and investors from across the hydrogen value chain, the meeting – co-hosted by “Hannam & Partners” and “Celicourt Communications” (view image_(c) Celicourt) – highlighted the invaluable role of these stakeholders in achieving decarbonisation objectives.