At the beginning of May, Manfred Limbrunner (Director Investor Relations and Communication) and Christoph Pauli (Governmental Affairs & Funding) had the pleasure of welcoming five Representatives of the German Bundestag (view group picture): Mr. Dr. Andreas Lenz (CSU), Mr. Florian Ossner (CSU), Mr. Michael Schrodi (SPD), Mr. Andreas Mehltretter (SPD) and Mr. Nils Gruender (FDP). After a small get-together and a presentation on Proton Motor`s future plans with a discussion on market ramp-up scenarios, there was a tour through the new office and manufacturing site in Fuerstenfeldbruck will operating in 2025. After having had an impression of the fuel cell potential in general, the company`s visit continued at the present premises in Puchheim.
The visitors where able to gain a deep insight into the specific heart of the hydrogen fuel cell core technology: The Proton Motor HyStack® and its way into the system products of the Hy-brand portfolio, such as the products HyFrame® and HyModule® as well as the HyShelter® turnkey solution, currently under manufacturing for the European “Green Hysland Project”. In addition to lively discussions on the political dimension of climate protection, the focus of the conversations was on how the hydrogen and fuel cell market in Germany can be accelerated so that further necessary business investments will be made.
Climate targets of the energy industry through stationary and mobile market segments
Back in April, Mr. Dieter Janecek (Buendnis 90/Die Gruenen), Member of the German Bundestag and Federal Government Coordinator for the Maritime Economy and Tourism (photo below), was already welcomed by Proton Motor Fuel Cell. Alongside presenting Proton Motor`s new location in Fuerstenfeldbruck, the focus of the discussion was primarily on how and to what extent hydrogen fuel cells will contribute to the energy transition. Only with fuel cells in stationary and mobile markets, the climate targets of the energy industry can be achieved.