
25th Proton Motor birthday – Official presentation of production facility

Expansion of Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH on its 25th anniversary:

Official presentation of new hydrogen fuel cell production facility

On August 31, 2023, Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH officially presented the new additional hydrogen fuel cell production facility in Fürstenfeldbruck to around 80 guests from Proton Motor’s customer base as well as stakeholders from the industry and media network at an exclusive presentation event. Preparations are currently underway for the infrastructural design incl. Assembly of the automated fuel cell production plant (“stack robot”) is in full swing, so that according to preliminary planning, site commissioning can be expected at the end of 2024.

The celebratory occasion of the company’s 25th anniversary has given the potential of the expansion project for sector-specific and cross-sector decarbonization a special accentuation for the hydrogen economy. With the 15-year lease agreement for the state-of-the-art 13,500 sqm manufacturing site in the Munich metropolitan region – on a total of 25,700 sqm of commercial space – Proton Motor is setting a milestone towards the industrialization and serialization of hydrogen fuel cells.


Making the energy transition for a livable world possible: Proton Motor investor event at London’s “Rosewood Hotel

The English holding company of hydrogen fuel cell premium supplier Proton Motor Fuel Cell, the listed parent company Proton Motor Power Systems plc, has been issuing the security “PPS” (WKN: A3DAJ9 / ISIN: GB00BP83GZ24) for trading on the “Alternative Investment Market” of the London Stock Exchange and simultaneous trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since October 2006. In 2008, Proton Motor CEO and major shareholder Dr. Francois Faiz Nahab decided to invest in hydrogen fuel cell technology because, with his scientific background as a physicist, he was aware early on of the urgent need for alternative energy sources to achieve climate protection goals.

For an informal exchange on the potential of the “green” PPS energy share and the importance of decarbonization through zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell products from Proton Motor, a face-to-face investor event will be held on Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. UK time (6:30 p.m. German time) at the “Rosewood London” hotel (252 High Holborn, London WC1V 7EN). The event will include a presentation moderated by Board members Roman Kotlarzewski (Group Finance Director) and Manfred Limbrunner (Director Governmental Affairs and Communication), followed by a Q&A session with drinks and refreshments afterwards. All current and interested future shareholders are welcome with prior registration requested at proton@celicourt.com.


New Bavarian funding programme for the development of the hydrogen economy launched: “BayFELI” has EUR 150 million in funds

At a hydrogen roundtable held in spring 2023 by Center Hydrogen.Bavaria (H2.B), Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs (StMWi), Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria, Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG and AHK Australia, to which Proton Motor Director Governmental Affairs and Communication Manfred Limbrunner the message became clear: A transformation of the energy system, away from fossil energy to renewable energy is only possible with hydrogen!

Expansion of the hydrogen infrastructure

As an energy-intensive technology and business location, Bavaria is dependent on energy imports and will remain so in the future. Für Deutschlands industrielle Perspektive generell muss politischer Fokus auf den Binnenmarkt mit dezentralen Energieversorgungslösungen durch Wasserstoff, Brennstoffzelle und Elektrolyse gelegt werden.

In addition to the recently presented new edition of the “National Hydrogen Strategy” first announced in the summer of 2020 “National Hydrogen Strategy” by Germany’s Federal Energy Minister Robert Habeck, Bavaria has now launched the development of the hydrogen economy in Germany with a new funding program called BayFELI started. The abbreviation stands for Bavarian funding program for the development of an electrolysis infrastructure. The goal is to expand the domestic hydrogen infrastructure and thus generate short transport routes and reduce hydrogen imports in the long term. The program has as part of the “Bavarian Hydrogen Strategy” 150 million euros in funding available.

Copyright_VDI Technologiezentrum


New order from Spain expands market presence: Proton Motor provides clean energy on Mallorca with H2 fuel cell container solution

German hydrogen fuel cell manufacturer Proton Motor Fuel Cell has received an order for a stand-alone fuel cell system based on its 50 kW container solution for use in Mallorca, Spain. The HyShelter® system, which will be deployed at a hotel in Palma de Mallorca as part of the Green Hysland project, is being commissioned by a Spanish gas, energy and infrastructure utility and is scheduled for delivery in the first half of 2024.

Green Hysland for hydrogen ecosystem
The Green-Hysland project aims to establish a hydrogen ecosystem in Mallorca so that the island becomes the first H2 hub in Southern Europe. This will be achieved by producing green hydrogen from solar energy and delivering it to end users such as the island’s tourism, transportation, industrial and energy sectors, including gas grid injection for on-site green heat and electricity.

First southern European showcase project
Proton Motor CEO Dr. Faiz Nahab issued the statement on the new order, saying that it is the first order for Proton Motor from Spain and thus represents an expansion of the company’s market presence. The launch of the Green Hysland initiative was announced in February 2011. It is in line with the new EU hydrogen strategy and will be the first southern European flagship project to create an integrated “green hydrogen ecosystem” in the Balearic Islands.

Image line: Three emission-free HyFrame® systems form the core components of Proton Motor’s containerized hydrogen fuel cell solution HyShelter® for clean and safe off-grid energy supply._(c) Proton Motor


Proton-Motor-System „HyModule® S8“ für Schienen-Infrastruktur von DB Bahnbau Gruppe | Wertschöpfungskette für Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen-Markthochlauf wichtig

Laut einem neuen Bericht von MarketsandMarkets™ wird der Markt für Brennstoffzellen-Generatoren von 0,4 Mrd. USD im Jahr 2023 voraussichtlich 2,1 Mrd. USD im Jahr 2030 erreichen. Dieser Bericht unterteilt den Markt für Brennstoffzellen-Generatoren nach Größe in zwei Segmente: kleiner Maßstab (bis zu 200 kW) und großer Maßstab (über 200 kW). Lösungen für die dezentrale Stromerzeugung werden immer gefragter, insbesondere an Orten mit ungleichmäßiger Netzanbindung oder instabiler elektrischer Infrastruktur.

Stromversorgung für die Schienen-Infrastruktur
Kleine Brennstoffzellen-Generatoren bieten eine zuverlässige und unabhängige Stromquelle, die Energiesicherheit gewährleistet und die Abhängigkeit von Stromnetzen verringert. Mit diesbezüglich kontextuellem Bezug hat Proton Motor von der DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH, einem Tochterunternehmen der Deutschen Bahn AG, einen Folgeauftrag für ein Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen-System HyModule® S8 (siehe Produktfoto) erhalten. Das Proton-Motor-System wird für die Anwendung Brennstoffzellen-Ersatzstromversorgung für die Schienen-Infrastruktur eingesetzt und gewährleistet eine robuste und saubere Versorgungsquelle für kritische Geräte innerhalb der Schienen-Infrastruktur des Kunden. Im Herbst 2021 war die Bestellung über ein „HyFrame®” Brennstoffzellen-System für die kundenspezifische Integration eingegangen.

Workshop als Teil des NOW-geförderten Innovationsclusters
Für den Markthochlauf der Brennstoffzelle wie etwa im oben beschriebenen stationären Segment ist das Wissen und der Austausch entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette von großer Bedeutung. In einem kürzlichen gemeinsamen Workshop von e-mobil BW GmbH und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Brennstoffzellen im VDMA tauschten sich die unterschiedlichen Industrien und Institute über die Anforderungen an den Kunststoff in der Brennstoffzelle aus. Die Veranstaltung fand im Kontext des geförderten Innovationsclusters der NOW GmbH statt. Mit-Initiator des Workshops Herausforderungen für Kunststoffe und deren Verarbeitung in Brennstoffzellen und Elektrolyseuren, war Proton Motor Technical Manager Franke Erne, der auch zu den Vortragenden gehört hat (abgebildet_(c) VDMA).


HyFindr “Tech Talk” on the benefits of emission-free Proton Motor hydrogen fuel cells for sustainable climate neutrality

Proton Motor Fuel Cell’s Hy-branded product portfolio is showcased for the hydrogen economy on hyfindr.com ‘s B2B marketplace. The online platform also offers a “tech community” that supports H2 experts in professional exchange. In this context, Proton Motor Director Governmental Affairs and Communication Manfred Limbrunner(in picture center_(c) HyFindr) was invited as an interview partner to the HyFindr Tech Talk.

Proton Motor HyModule® S4 / S8 – The integration-capable hydrogen fuel cell solution as an alternative power generator in the stationary sector.

In the YouTube recording, there is the presentation of the Proton Motor HyModule®-S8 system as an emission-free fuel cell top seller. In addition, the integration of fuel cells with batteries, the role of power electronics, and the need for control systems will be discussed. Not only the advantages of hydrogen fuel cells over diesel generators, but also the maintenance requirements and application of fuel cells for off-grid, carbon-neutral energy supply with renewable resources for sustainable decarbonization are in the video focus.


100% future energy with hydrogen fuel cells: Proton Motor Power Systems Annual Report 2022 | New “Investor Meet” webinar on YouTube

In the stock exchange announcement of June 20, 2023 by Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH’s UK parent company, Proton Motor Power Systems plc, on the publication of the 2022 Annual Report, it is reported that further progress has been made in technology testing, capacity building and the sales pipeline. The organization has been strengthened to deliver complete power solutions. While industrial and consumer demand for alternative energy sources continues, the reporting period was marked by the effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Proton Motor’s technology offering continues to mature to meet this growing demand and support the group’s ongoing commercialization process.

In 2022, the total order intake is £2,653,000. Sales in 2022 amounted to GBP 2,088,000. A fifteen-year lease was signed for modern space (pictured) that will allow for improved and efficient production flow to make room for a significant expansion of manufacturing, testing and development capabilities. Proton Motor CEO Dr. Faiz Nahab commented, “In the coming year, we will focus in particular on ramping up production capacity in the new facilities and realizing the current potential for order intake and the sales and production pipeline.”

Covering the future energy demand
Proton Motor Director Governmental Affairs and Communication Manfred Limbrunner likewise gave a webinar on the Investor Meet Company platform on June 20 on the topic of hydrogen fuel cells for the mass market. The 30-minute recording is now available as new YouTube content.

For download to the stock exchange announcement_ 20.06.2023 “Final Results 2022”.

The 2022 Annual Report of PRoton Motor Power Systems PLC


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Fuel cell life cycles in the transformation of the global energy system | “Innovation Fund 2023” for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050

Fuel cells play a central role in CO2-balanced energy supply and are part of national hydrogen strategies. Hydrogen technologies for the success of the global energy transformation are seen as guarantors for the industrial capability of Germany and Europe. In addition to lighthouse projects, the market ramp-up of fuel cells also requires the development of the entire value chain, from stack and system components to production technology.

The VDMA working group “Fuel Cells” currently dealt with the topic Post-Mortem Analysis of PEM Fuel Cells within the framework of the funded innovation cluster “Go-Start BZ”. PEM stands for “Proton Exchange Membrane” or also “Polymer Electrolyte Membrane“. Together with his Proton Motor colleagues Jens Reger (System Testing) and Florian Scherbaum (Fuel Cell Engineering ), Thomas Wannemacher (Funding Projects/Patents) was one of the approximately 70 participants in the successful workshop exchange at the DLR Institute of Technical Thermodynamics in Stuttgart. Post-mortem analysis helps to investigate aging processes and defects in fuel cell components and systems and is essential – as well as recycling evaluations – for technology development.

Proton Motor live in European City Brussels

Christoph Pauli (Governmental Affairs and Funding at Proton Motor) was now in Brussels to contribute to the 2023 Innovation Fund on behalf of the Bavarian hydrogen fuel cell manufacturer. The European Commission ‘s Directorate General for Climate Action hosted a mixed stakeholder consultation event. The purpose of the meeting was to inform on the achievements and developments of the Innovation Fund and to seek the views of sectoral stakeholders on future calls for proposals following the revision of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme Directive. The Innovation Fund is a financing instrument for fulfilling the EU’s commitments under the Paris Agreement and the goal of creating a climate-neutral Europe by 2050.

Image sources_(c) VDMA_(c) Proton Motor


New order for Proton Motor fuel cell power plant “HyShelter®” | Appointment of new board member

Proton Motor Fuel Cell`s UK-based listed holding company, Proton Motor Power Systems plc, has announced the new order from the University of Stuttgart for a containerized fuel cell power plant with a capacity of up to 240 kW. The HyShelter® facility will be integrated into a large industrial hydrogen research site and is expected to generate electricity and feed power into the grid starting in the second quarter of 2024. This project fits well with the company’s market approach of offering turnkey solutions to its customers. Proton Motor’s vision is to help customers deliver carbon-neutral solutions for power and heat generation. In this context, the Proton Motor portfolio addresses applications such as uninterruptible backup power, peak shaving and off-grid charging infrastructure.

Appointment of Non-Executive Director

Proton Motor Power Systemsalso officially announced the appointment of Mr. Ali Naini (pictured) to the Company’s Board of Directors as a Non-Executive Director with immediate effect. Mr. Naini (age 56) is co-founder and Managing Director of Turquoise International Limited, one of the longest established financial advisors and investors in climate technologies in Europe.
Proton Motor CEO Dr. Faiz Nahab commented, “As we are uniquely positioned to benefit from the accelerated adoption of hydrogen fuel cells in multiple markets, we are pleased to welcome Ali Naini to the Board. Ali brings a wealth of financial and commercial experience in the CleanTech sector developed over a remarkable career, and we look forward to his wise counsel during this very exciting time for the company.”

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