The Proton Motor Hy-Factory_Fraunhofer Strasse 9, D-82256 Fuerstenfeldbruck_(c) AVENTOS_Markus Bachmann

Proton Motor Fuel Cell selected for EU Commission’s Innovation Fund: “PM Hy-Factory” project innovation submitted

The European Commission has selected 85 innovative net-zero projects on 23 October 2024 to be supported with EUR 4.8 billion in grants from the EU Innovation Fund. The Fund is the main tool to support European industry in the transition to climate neutrality and the implementation of the “Green Deal”. It ensures that the most promising projects in terms of emission reductions and scalability are realised to bring state-of-the-art clean technologies to the service of decarbonisation and climate protection. The German high-tech company Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH has taken from the published EU press release that a planned project by the hydrogen fuel cell producer has also been selected for a grant from the Innovation Fund.

“PM Hy-Factory” for automated series production of fuel cell stacks and systems

In April 2024, Proton Motor Fuel Cell submitted a funding application to the EU Commission for the “Smart Factory” project innovation – titled “PM Hy-Factory” – which includes automated series production of Proton Motor’s zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell stacks and systems for stationary and mobile applications. As now officially noted by the EU Commission, the CLEANTECH key player will be invited for a preparatory award procedure in the first quarter of 2025. The aim is to sign a grant agreement for the Innovation Fund with the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).

Due to current discussions with other potential sources of funding, Proton Motor must clarify its further eligibility for funding in relation to the Innovation Fund grant. Accordingly, there can be no certainty that Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH will receive an Innovation Fund Grant, nor as to the timings, terms or quantum of any such grant award.

Caption: Various images of the Proton Motor Hy-Factory located in the Munich metropolitan region._(c) AVENTOS_Markus Bachmann


H2-News Interview with Manfred Limbrunner, Proton Motor Director Investor Relations and Communication: “For us, it’s really about the market ramp-up”

Proton Motor Fuel Cell has been producing hydrogen fuel cells since 1998, making it one of the first companies on the market. In an exclusive interview with the special interest magazine H2News, Manfred Limbrunner, working for Proton Motor since 2000, reports on current trends in the hydrogen economy, the challenges facing medium-sized companies and his expectations for the next few years. Here is a selection of questions, for full length of the interview from summer 2024 (only in German available) see buttons below.

H2News: To date, it seems unclear in which segment the market for hydrogen technologies will first experience noticeable growth. How do you perceive that?

Limbrunner: In recent years, there have been increasing indications that the stationary market can be the first to get off the ground. There are several reasons for this, including being less dependent on the large original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) or on a nationwide filling station infrastructure. We are receiving more and more inquiries from the stationary segment, but mobility is currently being promoted politically.

H2News: What makes stationary fuel cells so suitable for an early market ramp-up?

Limbrunner: As emergency power systems, they are relatively independent of hydrogen logistics and supply, because they are only put into operation in an emergency. Their other use case is decentralised, local energy storage. The fuel cells are part of a decentralised system consisting of electrolyser, hydrogen storage and fuel cell. The principle is simple: During peak load periods, surplus renewable energy is converted into hydrogen via an electrolyser and stored in a hydrogen storage system. If necessary, a fuel cell can then convert them back into electricity at any time. At the same time, the waste heat from the electrolyser and fuel cell can be used.

7.12.22_Präsentation Antwerpen_(c) E-Trucks Europe

Proton Motor Hydrogen Fuel Cells in emission-free REVIVE project: Groundbreaking for sustainable and clean city waste transportation

REVIVE stands for “Refuse Vehicle Innovation and Validation in Europe”

The groundbreaking European project REVIVE, subsidised by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, did run from the beginning of 2018 until June 2024 and is now, among other things, formally completed with a demonstration video (button). REVIVE`s intention was to significantly advance the state of development of hydrogen fuel cell collection trucks, by integrating fuel cell powertrains into 11 vehicles and deploying them in 7 cities in Europe for testing: Breda, Groningen, Noordenveld, Veldhoven and Arnhem (the Netherlands), Antwerp (Belgium) and Gothenburg (Sweden).

REVIVE’s overall objective was to be the largest demonstration of fuel cell-range extender trucks to date, one of very few options for the decarbonisation of heavy duty vehicles. For urban trucks, there is an increasing need for zero emission solutions to comply with upcoming access restrictions imposed by cities as part of pollution reduction strategies.

REVIVE trucks base on technology of Proton Motor “HyRange®” system

The technology behind these trucks comes from E-Trucks Europe featuring the hydrogen fuel cell system “HyRange®” from Proton Motor Fuel Cell. An additional truck developed in Gothenburg by Renova used an PowerCell fuel cell system.

The REVIVE project video, released Sept. 24, presents a clip about two hydrogen trucks which have been deployed in the Antwerp neighbourhoods for almost two years. The REVIVE trucks ensure a silent zero-emission waste collection, which means better air quality for waste collectors and citizens.

Captions: The teaser photo shows the two RIVIVE trucks, which were presented to the public in Antwerp in December 2022._(c) E-Trucks Europe; below: Proton Motor’s HyRange® product has received many awards, including the “Hessian State Prize”._(c) Proton Motor


Reliable operation of Proton Motor fuel cells: An Application Report by Buerkert Fluid Control Systems

Functionally integrated system solutions for hydrogen supply and water separation

Buerkert’s fluidics components have consistently demonstrated their reliability in many hydrogen applications to date. Turnkey system solutions for anode supply and water separation were developed for the fuel cells produced by Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH. One constructive way to address the climate crisis and reduce carbon footprint is the use of green hydrogen. Fuel cell systems are both an environmentally-friendly and sustainable energy-supply solution in stationary and mobile applications alike.

Fluidics components play an important part in ensuring that they can function reliably and safely. Buerkert’s functionally integrated system solutions, featuring advanced valves and sensors, guarantee precise hydrogen dosing, secure hydrogen shut-off, and accurate water separation within the anode circuit of the fuel cells. These compact solutions are designed for seamless integration with fuel cell stacks.

Precise and safe hydrogen dosing

With the HyStack® 400, Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH has developed compact fuel cell modules that deliver power ranging from 21.3 to 49.7 kW, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. In the HyShelter® (product picture), the scalable fuel cell modules are arranged into a hybrid, turnkey container solution.

Robert Baustaedter, Fuel Cell Engineering at Proton Motor: “We were looking for a tried-and-tested, turnkey system solution for our module hydrogen supply and water separation that would meet our fluidic requirements and provide a tailored interface to the fuel cell stack module. Such systems are critical for the operation of the fuel cell, as they regulate the supply of hydrogen at the anode inlet as well as being responsible for safety shut-off. At the anode outlet, they must also ensure proper gas purging as well as water separation.”

Bayerische_Energietage 2024_WortBildmarke_Kacheln_1580x880-768x428

Strengthening the hydrogen technology economy for a sustainable future! | Energy transition event on September 27 at Proton Motor Fuel Cell

On June 26, NOW GmbH published two important articles in its newsletter that highlight the significance of the hydrogen economy in Germany: 1) Regional H2 Clusters: The hydrogen ramp-up needs domestic value chains! This article emphasises the crucial role of regional H2 clusters and the necessity to promote domestic value chains to strengthen the local economy and to reduce dependency on imports. 2) Hydrogen Acceleration Act: Important milestone improves the hydrogen ramp-up! The new law aims to accelerate the development and use of hydrogen technologies by simplifying approval processes and providing financial incentives.

The Proton Motor Position Paper “Decentralised, local hydrogen fuel cell applications are the nucleus for the energy!” already reported in November 2023 on how emission-free hydrogen fuel cell applications form the foundation for the energy transition and the transformation of Germany’s industrial sector. In collaboration with other companies, Proton Motor has also published a joint Position Paper (March/April 2024) as a member of Clean Power Net (CPN). This Paper accentuates the necessity of decentralised system solutions for the production, storage, and use of green hydrogen. Decentralised systems offer enormous potential for climate neutrality acitivities to ensure energy supply and to increase grid stability.

Bavarian Energy Days: September 27 Event on hydrogen economy at Proton Motor

Proton Motor Fuel Cell is looking forward to continuing the discussion on the future of the hydrogen economy and driving the energy transition together! In co-operation with KLIMA³ – Climate and Energy Agency, the hydrogen fuel cell manufacturer is hosting an upcoming free Event on September 27 at its new manufacturing site in Fuerstenfeldbruck near Munich. The information and networking opportunity from 1:30-6:00 p.m. is featured by the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie within the “Bavarian Energy Days 2024”.

Frontansicht_Proton-Motor-System_HyModule® S8_Neuer Energiepark Ulm_(c) OHS

Autonomous – decentralised – green: “ostermeier H2ydrogen Solutions GmbH” and “Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH” power up in the new “Energy Park” of Ulm University

| Germany`s unique scientific project is researching the interaction of different
sustainable energy systems. |

| Proton Motor’s hydrogen fuel cell system “HyModule® S8” has been integrated into the
electrolysis plant of ostermeier H2ydrogen Solutions. |

Since 2022, the new, now opened and unique in Germany “Energy Park” has been built on the campus of the University of Technology in the science city of Ulm. As part of the “Green Hydrogen Model
Region”, the project is intended to research the interaction of different sustainable energy systems
– the prerequisite for the success of the energy transition. As a component of the academic “real-world laboratory”, “ostermeier H2ydrogen Solutions GmbH” delivered a containerised electrolysis plant in spring 2024, into which the hydrogen fuel cell system “HyModule® S8” from “Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH” has been integrated.

Securing the green power supply with hydrogen from solar energy

The scientists of the research project primarily want to demonstrate how fluctuations in the green power grid can be compensated for with hydrogen in the future. For example, if too little electricity can be produced to cover the energy demand at times. The scenario exists if there is perhaps too little wind for wind turbines or too little sun for photovoltaic systems. In electrolysis, operated by the in-house photovoltaic system on the university roof, it is investigated how hydrogen can be used to
secure the power supply, i.e. how the grid-serving mode of operation is to be evaluated.


Bavarian Minister of State for Europe and International Affairs Eric Beisswenger informs himself about the Proton Motor hydrogen fuel cell technology

| Climate Adaptation Act and decarbonisation strategies are accelerating the technology market ramp-up. |

On 1 July 2024, the new Climate Adaptation Act came into force in Germany. The law forms the basis for implementing preventive measures against the consequences of the climate crisis. The decarbonisation strategies for industry and business – and specifically the storage and conversion of energy – are considered key elements of the climate and energy transition. Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies represent essential building blocks of the future energy supply on the way from fossil to renewable resources. In the next few years, Bavaria plans to invest EUR 700 million in its hydrogen strategy!

Global climate and energy transition in focus: In July, the Bavarian Minister of State for European Affairs and International Affairs, Mr Eric Beisswenger, was informed about the application potential of the emission-free and climate-neutral hydrogen fuel cells of the high-tech company Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH. In addition to the presentation of the innovative fuel cell portfolio, the company visit by Minister for European Affairs Beisswenger focused on the dynamisation of the hydrogen market ramp-up and the planned commissioning of the second production site of the internationally active key player.

Bavaria’s Minister for European Affairs Eric Beisswenger (in the photo above, second from right, next to Member of the Bavarian State Parliament Benjamin Miskowitsch – far right; Manfred Limbrunner and Thomas Wannemacher – both Proton Motor Fuel Cell): “Proton Motor makes an important contribution to a sustainable hydrogen value chain. The transformation towards a climate-neutral industry and economy is also an opportunity for Bavaria to become an innovation engine for new technologies. Our goal is to be at the forefront of technological and economic progress and to quickly become climate-neutral. Fuel cell technology is an essential element in the decarbonisation of industrial processes, the energy system and the transport sector.

Ägypten-Delegation_11. Juli 2024_(c) Proton Motor

International HydroVision @ Proton Motor: Hydrogen and energy management delegations from South Korea and Egypt

Mid of July, Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH had the honour of welcoming a hydrogen delegation from Egypt to the production facilities in Puchheim as part of the “Egypt meets Bavaria” initiative. It was an inspiring exchange, highlighting the international efforts towards sustainable energy. A big thank you to Bayern International and the AHK Egypt for organising this visit. Proton Motor is looking forward to more exciting and fruitful visits in the future!

Already at the beginning of July, Proton Motor had great pleasure of welcoming a 24-member energy management delegation from South Korea with the topic focus on “Combined Heat and Power & Efficiency”. Proton Motor Fuel Cell sincerely would like to thank the participants for the visit and the engaging discussions! A special thanks to energiewaechter GmbH for the excellent organisation of this exchange.

HyCabinet® system installation layout at the German rail control centre in the greater Berlin area._(c) Proton Motor

Green Energy Now: 96 percent increase in stationary orders in 2023 | 25th Follow-up order from “DB Bahnbau Gruppe” for Proton Motor hydrogen fuel cell system

On 28 June 2024, the listed Proton Motor Fuel Cell parent company, Proton Motor Power System plc (Link directly to RNS_Final Results 2023), announced the audited results for the year ended 31 December 2023. As a highlight, it should be mentioned that there was a notable shift in demand to stationary applications which comprised 96 percent of order intake in 2023 (2022: 59 percent). Sales in 2023 were GBP 2,122k (2022: GBP 2,088k), representing an annual increase of 1.7 percent. Due to progress in the delivery of the new production facility, the commissioning of the new second Proton Motor site in Fuerstenfeldbruck in the Munich metropolitan region is planned for 2025.

DB Bahnbau Gruppe orders the 25th Proton Motor system since 2015

On 25 June 2024, Proton Motor received a new order from DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH for the complete hydrogen fuel cell emergency power system “HyCabinet® S24”. This follow-up order represents the 25th system since the co-operation between Proton Motor and DB Bahnbau Gruppe was signed in 2015. The HyCabinet® product will be integrated into the same railway control centre as the system that was handed over on the 16 May 2024 in the greater Berlin area. Both systems can be operated independently of each other for a total rated power output of 48 kW.

Caption: The graphic shows the installation layout of the emission-free emergency power supply in the Bahnleitstelle._(c) Proton Motor


Game-changers for safety aspect in road tunnels: Emission-free power generators based on hydrogen fuel cells from Proton Motor

Shortly after the announcement of the handover of the “HyCabinet S24” product to “DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH”, which is being developed for installation in a railway control centre in the greater Berlin area, Proton Motor Fuel Cell has also received its first follow-up order from “H2tec AG”. The customer acts as a full-service provider for fuel cell emergency power systems on behalf of the Swiss „Federal Roads Office“ (FEDRO), which operates 300 road tunnels in Switzerland.

Following the successful commissioning of the Proton Motor hydrogen fuel cell system “HyFrame® S28” in the Neuenhof Tunnel in the canton of Aargau in December 2022, the new order for the plug-and-play fuel cell product “HyCabinet S16” is planned. A “HyModule® S8” system (view teaser product image) is integrated into the arrangement as the heart of the package, with the possibility of easy expansion with an additional HyModule® S8.

Professional technology response to safety aspect and emission control regulations

For the safety aspect in road tunnels as well as in signal boxes that need to be equipped with uninterruptible and emission-free power generators, hydrogen fuel cell systems from Proton Motor provide a professional technology answer. The demand for hydrogen fuel cells in the rail and road infrastructure segment illustrates the importance of clean energy from renewable sources.